The President of the Nation wants to avoid the “empty square” syndrome. For this reason, he spoke with the leaders of the Evita movement and Somos Barrios de Pie, Fernando “Chino” Navarre, emilio persico there Daniel Mendez, so that they attend the approaches to the National Congress and make an appearance in inaugurating the fourth and last opening of the ordinary sessions of his term. It will be tomorrow, March 1, at 11 a.m. The official social organizations had decided do not attend to the institutional act since, you understand, it wants to be used by Alberto Fernandez and his entourage as support for his re-election.
Four members of these organizations have assured that in no case the “consented and limited presence” will mean adherence to the aspirations of the president. “We do not agree with the re-election of Alberto, which will lead us to defeat against the macrismo, nor with the calls for ‘Cristina 2023′”, he told her. Honored Guildleader of Evita and trade union secretary of the People’s Economy Workers’ Union, in GlobeLiveMedia.
“There is not a great enthusiasm on the part of activists for the president’s speech tomorrow. We understand the institutional role that the Assembly plays and that is why a small delegation will be present. We have declared that the adventure of Alberto’s re-election is not viable, given the fact that we have great difficulties in our country,” said the social leader.
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The phone calls to the three social leaders, and at the same time to government officials, were made by Fernández, his chief of staff, Agustin Rossi and the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peace. Words more, words less, they all expressed the same concern: “Leaving the Plaza del Congreso empty is a serious problem in this context which weakens the whole government. Moreover, one of them went so far as to say, perhaps exaggeratedly, that the vacuum he proposed to create for the Head of State could be interpreted as “an institutional blow”.
As this medium was able to reconstruct, the calls were numerous: Tolosa Paz spoke twice with Pérsico and Rossi did the same with Navarro.
Casa Rosada’s pressure on social leaders had an effect. After several twists and turns, Evita, led by Navarro and Pérsico, and Somos Barrios de Pie, whose national coordinator is Menéndez, decided to send a delegation of between five thousand and seven thousand militants. A figure significantly lower than normal.

GlobeLiveMedia published yesterday the loss of internal support of Alberto Fernández within the Frente de Todos. The decision of the social movements not to go to Congress to listen to his word and not to show himself behind his face is an example of this.
There are several political reasons that determined it this way: Alberto Fernández did not invite any of his representatives to the Political Table of the Frente de Todos. Only Navarro was present, but as a member of the PJ, not Evita.
This organization, Somos Barrios de Pie and another dozen movements of lesser volume, presented their political party in society last Friday to gain space within the Front of All and compete in PASO with their own candidates, La Patria de los Comunes. They will also seek to carve out the election, by consensus or internally, of the candidate for the nation’s presidency.
Persico himself clarified that so far they have no preferences, but he must be a leader who can win this year’s election. Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner do not fit into this grid, at least until today. We know that politics is dynamic and the art of the possible.
“We do not mobilize on March 1 because it is a scenario that tries to validate a candidacy of Alberto Fernández and which today divides the Front de Tous. We want there to be unity and we are going to work so that, through PASO or by consensus, we can build a competitive proposal,” Onorato told this media yesterday. With the exception of the delegation of activists who will be present tomorrow, the political position is the same.
To this is added the victims in the Empower Work directed by Victoria Tolosa Paz among the holders of this social program for not having validated their identity by biometrics. Although there are a significant number of beneficiaries of the Piquetera Unit who will not receive any pesos this month and will have until April to complete the process, most of the nearly one hundred thousand suspensions and dismissals belong to the rest of the social organizations.

Both Evita and Somos Barrios de Pie expressed annoyance at the way the manager handled the issue. his predecessor, Juan Zabaleta, had started a face to face audit in the management units to certify the number of holders of the Potenciar Trabajo who have completed their tasks of 20 hours per week in these cooperatives. The movements themselves accompanied the universities which carried out the task. Tolosa Paz backed off with this modality, which I describe as slow, and changed it to virtual validation.
During the presentation of the political party that has him as president, Persico said that all social plans must be replaced by work but that while this process is happening, the only income that many families have cannot be deleted.
The former deputy also spoke about it with the social leaders in the last hours. He reassured that no one to whom the Potenciar Trabajo corresponds will be fired.
Pérsico, Menéndez and Navarro are not only three important leaders within the popular organizations. The first two hold the positions of secretary and under-secretary for the social portfolio. Additionally, Persico manages the Enhance Work. Navarro is a secretary in the Cabinet Office and has an office in Casa Rosada and these days he attends the meeting “A time for dialogue, Mar del Plata: towards development with inclusion”. The Secretary for Relations with Civil Society and Community Development participated in the table “Final reflections on the local development agenda with social inclusion”. He was participating in these activities when he received calls from the National Executive for the Evita movement to send at least one delegation to the Plaza del Congreso. It wasn’t a broken phone, the real scope will be seen tomorrow.
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