A few weeks after leaving the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (Inadi), through a letter in which he made several criticisms of the national government, Victoria Donda will join the cabinet in the next few days Axel Kicillof in the province of Buenos Aires.
The leader will return to the civil service to take charge of the sub-secretariat for analysis and strategic political monitoring, which depends on the headquarters of the advisers in Buenos Aires, which she currently heads. carlos whitea person very close to the local president.
However, the former head of Inadi will also be appointed to the board of directors of the Provincial Bank Foundationan organization whose objective is to contribute to and improve the economic and social development of the neighborhood through various actions related to education and culture, sports and leisure and health.
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“Returning to the Frente de Todos in 2019 meant for me to reunite with colleagues who understand and share that public service is a means of transforming the realities of the city as a whole. One of these colleagues that I saw again was Axelwho, sharing the political principles that the engine that guides us on a daily basis is the need to transform reality by listening to society, chose me a few hours ago to build together in the province for which he works tirelessly looking for a better future”, expressed Donda in this regard.
Regarding the activity that she will have to face within the said Foundation, the future head of Buenos Aires stressed that this task “will allow her to return to those places” where she began her “political activism and where it is still important to be: the territory”. “
The leader has been a national deputy four times and when the president took office Alberto Fernandez was summoned to head Inadi, an entity she left last December, after publishing a harsh letter in which she assured that her departure from this post was due to the fact that she was “convinced that people had stopped listening there where else should be done.
“Strongly aggravating the above, by being a woman and not finding a legitimate space within the national government So that our voices are duly heard, I learned a few minutes ago through Juan Manuel Olmos, Head of the Councilors of the Presidency, of the possibility of being expelled from INADI, mainly as a consequence – according to this that I was informed – of my political position regarding the current scene, an element that I made visible several times in my public speech”, declared Donda on this occasion.
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In the text, he maintains that during his administration he insisted “on the need to establish bodies to achieve a necessary synthesis within a national administration which each time” left them “with a more bitter taste and without response capacity. to growing and complex demands for a society that expects more”.
“We have come to carry out a program that we have not been able to carry out due to the pandemic and the war, but also due to many political decisions made by officials of this government. Not being able to criticize outwards is a problem“, he added during an interview with Ernesto Tenembaum in radio with you.
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