In the midst of the jostling, the struggle and a fierce fight in lanusa member of In front of all She was arrested after a discussion with Buenos Aires police personnel. The conflict began when troops began to cut down a suspected criminal, who was riding on a motorbike with cut cables and a breached drum. It was then that the legislator Natalia Zaracho, and a companion physically assaulted officers seeking to disrupt proceedings, according to law enforcement sources. In his account, Zaracho stressed that he intervened because he was a minor, 14 years old and driving under the influence of drugs, and because he considered that the troops had used violence against the young man.
Given the situation, the officers called for help and asked the women to identify themselves, but they refused to provide information. In this way, the personnel of the UPPL of Lanús transferred them to the unit of the region.
According to police information, the vehicle does not have a request for removal, but it has cut cables and the ignition drum violated by spontaneous events, according to the miner. The troops are analyzing the possibility that it was stolen from the Pompeii area (CABA) for which they proceeded to collect information in the sections of the city.
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After arriving at the scene, the legislator refused to get out of the vehicle until her lawyer arrived. Once there, he proceeded to identify her and her companion.
Therefore, the police continued the procedure, however, a few minutes before the women left the section, about fifty people who were on the corner and in the immediate vicinity set fire to the street and began to advance against the police personnel.
In the middle of the riots, people throw stones and all kinds of objects, for which the staff decides to withdraw, having to fire 4 thunderclaps to deter them. From this situation, a policeman found himself injured by a stone in the left eye. Immediately, the agents, identified as Alan Bolaños and Samuel Ramírez, were taken to Evita Hospital, both beaten.
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Some time later, once the situation had calmed down, the legislator took the floor in the street and explained what happened: “We saw that they were hitting a kid who already had him on the ground, the kid was drugged again he was a minor they already had him arrested and a big man came and kicked him in the face and i came out and i identified myself i said ‘don’t make him that’. But he pushed me, he threw me and I fell on the ground. I was too hot and I wanted to take the kid out, the kid told me not to leave him”.
Surrounded by a group of people who knew and supported her, the deputy continued, “I too am a mother and that’s when they handcuffed me and took me and took me to Wanda, they kept in a car for half an hour the cops called it raise the glass and leave it there they wouldn’t give us water Wanda was sick we had a really bad time and here too.
The deputy explained that at that moment they started to “hear a noise, we wanted to leave and they pushed us, they wanted to hit us”. Despite the situation, he assured that he would act in the same way again, declaring: “I reaffirm more and more the fight of our organization which knows how to be where it needs to be and that it would do so in return for any kid in the neighborhood. Something very crazy, which always happens and I told the commissioner when I identified myself and told him that I was an MP, that they would laugh their heads out.
The deputy was not the only one to talk about it, the social leader also joined the conflict, Juan Graboiswho tweeted: “The deputy Natalia Zaracho, who does not live in a thermos like 99% of politicians but in Villa Fiorito, defended a kid who was fighting between several policemen and without respecting her privileges, they had her kidnapped the 5th Diamond, Lanous. If they touch Natalia, look”.
second act, Diego KravetzChief of Staff and Head of Security Lanús replied: “I will clarify one thing for you: the fueros do not allow him to go after the agents who were trying to arrest the driver of a stolen motorcycle. You must respect authority like any other citizen. Also, and instead of helping the criminal, they should think about the families of Lanús who are victims of crimes.
But the conflict did not stop there, but Kravetz spoke again by showing a video of the altercations generated by the organization of which the deputy claims to be a part: “Are they going to set fire to the police station, Juan Grabois? Aren’t you ashamed to defend criminals? I invite you whenever you want to meet victims of the motochorros you protect. And I warn you: what they break from the public space of Lanús, they will have to pay”.
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