Due to the obvious and shameful blocking of the Congress to advance the General elections this year, which would have made it possible to emerge from the serious political crisis, the Peruvian people believe that the President of the Republic, To Boluarteit would then be up to him to give a gesture of detachment in order to avoid the reactivation of social protests.

Purple Party reveals Dina Boluarte told them she would rule Peru until 2026
Luis Durán, president of the political organization, added that the president had stressed that she would remain in office if Congress did not approve any advance in the general elections.
According to a survey of Institute of Peruvian Studiespublished today in the newspaper The Republic73% of people consulted in his new study think that Boluarte Zegarra must resign. In the breakdown of this figure, we can see that in the rural area (86%) there is a higher incidence of stepping to the side compared to the urban area (77%).
For its part, 25% have the opposite opinion: the president must remain in office. Finally, those who have no opinion on the matter are the 2%.

Majority of Council of Ministers decisions prioritize restrictive measures in the face of protests in the country
The most recurrent has been to declare a state of emergency in several regions to demand that the armed forces and the national police regain control of the blocking of roads, the destruction of public property and the seizure of airports.
However, Boluarte’s demand for resignation also comes with his high national rejection.

According to the IEP poll, the President’s disapproval increased to 77%. There was a growth of one point compared to January. In the macrozones of center (82%) and south (86%) the greatest resistance to Boluarte is concentrated.

Dina Boluarte’s Presidential Undersecretary was implicated in the irregular hiring of a councilor in the municipality of Breña
The Comptroller General of the Republic recognized the criminal responsibility of Juan Alcántara Medrano for the request for the services of a person who had neither work experience nor academic training and whose economic damage amounted to more than 232,000 soles.
Meanwhile, the president’s disapproval stands at 15%. In the breakdown, we can see that Lima (20%) in the only area that supports Boluarte with some political legitimacy. Finally, 8% do not want to comment or know the latest facts about the situation in the country.
While Peruvians want Boluarte to resign, she has engaged in a diplomatic war with the government of Mexico. Last Friday, he announced the withdrawal of Peru’s ambassador, Manuel Gerardo Talavera Espinar.
Accompanied by the President of the Council of Ministers, Alberto Otarolaand the chancellor Ana Gervasi, He affirmed that the Mexican leader “has decided to seriously affect relations of mutual respect” and has favored “ideological affinities to the detriment” of integration processes that have benefited both nations.
“In this way, the diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico They are formally at the level of business leaders”, specified the Head of State. This was formalized yesterday in the official journal A Peruvian.
The measure comes after the dignitary’s announcement – the day before – in response to the disqualifications she received from her Mexican counterpart Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).
“I’ve seen polls where the ‘fake president’ has 15% acceptance. 85% disapprove, but Congress and lawmakers have even less approval. They have 90% rejection and even so they rule with bayonets,” he said.
However, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that he would maintain his diplomatic and consular representation in Peru “to promote ties between our peoples and provide care to the Mexican community” in the national territory.
The portfolio led by Marcelo Ebrard, Minister of Foreign Affairs He reiterated his belief in keeping diplomatic lines of communication open for the benefit of both societies, and predicted that a democratic agreement would be reached “soon” to ease “the disagreements that prevail in this brotherly Latin American country”.
“The Government of Mexico, through the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, regrets the decision of the current Government of the Republic of Peru to reduce the level of diplomatic relations between the two countries to that of Chargé d’Affaires and to permanently withdraw Ambassador Manuel Gerardo Talavera, who was summoned for consultations on December 15, 2022″, he said in a statement.
For her part, the deputy Maria Del Carmen Alva indicated to GlobeLiveMedia that it is evaluated in the Foreign Relations Committee declare AMLO as ‘persona non grata’.