Six people, including two minors, linked to the criminal cell of “The Bratty 3AD” of Lenin Canchola, They were arrested this Monday, February 20 at the town hall Alvaro Obregon after an operation by agents of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico (SSC-CDMX).

Lenin Canchola fights to be freed; challenged the refusal of amparo against its connection to the trial
The leader of Los Malcriados is trying to revoke the conviction last January where he was denied protection from the connection to the organized crime trial
The Head of the Capital SSC, Omar Garcia Harfuch, reported at a press conference that the subjects would be related to the crimes of kidnapping, homicide, extortion, collection of property, vehicle theftas good as sale and distribution of drugs.
The official pointed out that the SSC personnel carried out various investigations and intelligence actions thanks to which they were able to arrest seven people who operated in the aforementioned mayor’s office; six of them were linked to the criminal cell. During the operation of the authorities four people were released that at that time they were kidnapped and had missing persons search files.

Lía Limón responded to Layda Sansores and denied lying about her heritage
The governor of Campeche on Tuesday presented alleged irregularities in the declaration of assets of the mayoress of Álvaro Obregón of the Jaguar
García Harfuch reported that personnel from the SSC and the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ), both from Mexico City, identified that the “Los Malcriados 3AD” cell, whose last three letters stand for “Third Destructive Action”, is related to Lenin Cancholaestablished in Cuajimalpa and Álvaro Obregón, despite the fact that the leader was arrested in 2022 in coordination with the local police and Nuevo León.

Through investigation, officers were able to locate several addresses used as refuges there narcotics Thus, in coordination with the prosecution, last Friday, February 17, they executed search warrants in the neighborhoods Third Las Águilas Park and Las Águilas Extension, in the town hall of Álvaro Obregón.

Layda Sansores exhibited Lía Limón’s properties and accused her of alleged illicit enrichment
The governor of Campeche has shown the apparent irregularities in the documents that indicate the properties belonging to the mayoress of Álvaro Obregón
After the operations in the homes of the aforementioned settlements, they managed to free four abductees, including a minor under the age of 17, for whom they demanded a large sum of money from their relatives.
“According to the data collected during the investigations, the victims were deprived of their liberty on February 16, and as of that date they had search records issued by the Mexico City attorney general’s office.

As a result, they managed to arrest six people, two minors, linked to the group of Lenin Canchola, as well as the seizure of five short firearms, one long firearm, a stacked plate pickup truck reported stolen and also implicated in a May 2020 kidnapping; as well as apparent medicines, useful cartridges and telephone equipment.
The detainees and the insured objects were presented to the corresponding authorities so that they could give them the appropriate follow-up.
According to journalist Carlos Jiménez, the two minors arrested are 17 years old and answer respectively to the names of Ricardo “V” and Miguel “P”. Despite his young age they kidnapped, burned, beat and tortured the people they kidnapped.

And it is that the group of “Los Malcriados 3AD” of Lenin Canchola stands out for being a violent cell and for mark with the letter “L” the members of antagonistic criminal groups who come into “your area of operation” without your permission.
Supposedly, this organization has launched a campaign in favor of its members who are behind bars in different prisons in Mexico City, with the aim of making the authorities give in and give them benefits.
Last February, the defense of Lenin Canchola, detained in the Altiplano prison, was presented before a Collegiate Court a resource of sentencing review which they entrusted to him in 2022 for his responsibility in the crime of organized crime, with the aim of committing crimes against health and stockpiling weapons.