Amid worsening drought and general producer unease over official policy towards the sector, the ground prepares more trade union actions for the next few days.
It should be remembered that during the meeting of producers organized a few days ago by the Argentine Agrarian Federation (Obtain a Constitution VillaSanta Fe, until Monday, a deadline has been given to national officials to initiate support measures for those affected by the drought, because so far those announced have not been implemented or , in other cases, it is not enough to face a loss that exceeds 15 billion dollars.
“We will wait until Monday to see what the announcements are. But beyond that, we are going to prepare a strong mobilization, and see how the producers react and that the bases come out to express themselves. The mobilization that we seek to agree with each entity. We do not know if it will be a direct mobilization or if there will be an escalation to achieve a mobilization of the federal capital in Congress, and the search for all political sectors in Plaza de Mayo ” , he said today. Carlos Achetonipresident of the Argentine Agrarian Federation, in statements to Radio Colonia.
When asked if there were any decisions within the Liaison Table regarding the cessation of the marketing of cereals and livestock, the agricultural leader simply replied: “We are in the process of l ‘analyze. A national direction which, yesterday, on the other hand, expressed its rejection of the extension of a measure of the Central Bank which makes it difficult for soybean producers to access the various lines of financing offered on the market. “The campaign has contributed for years and today it needs tax relief and urgent credit assistance,” said the presidents of the four entities that represent agricultural producers.

To the position of the Argentine Agrarian Federation to add more mobilizations to express the dissatisfaction of the agricultural sector, Self-convened producers of San Nicolás, Ramallo and Pergamino, they will hold a meeting this Monday at the intersection of Route 188 and La Violeta Road, in Guerrico, under the motto “For the dignity of the peasant, that they do not continue to rob us”, where they will will also remember the 15-year claim that led the field to reject resolution 125, the objective of which was to apply mobile levies. “The date given by the government liaison table expires, what do we propose next?”, said the organizers of the meeting.
Another of the entities that will announce other union actions will be the Santa Fe Confederation of Rural Associations (CARSFE), which is part of Argentinian rural confederations (AVE). Santa Fe leaders are holding a press briefing this Monday at 1:00 p.m., where they will announce some actions within the framework of the declared state of alert and mobilization. First of all, the authorities will have to present the institutional position and then they will be at the disposal of the consultations which will be made to them.
During the week CARSFE declared itself in a state of alert and mobilization, and in a statement they indicated that from now on initiatives will be promoted that “favor the defense of their associates and of all the agricultural production of the province of Santa Fe”. And they added: “The climatic situation of drought that has gradually affected agricultural production throughout the province of Santa Fe, is now becoming unsustainable for all the activities carried out there. At the same time, the State has announced measures which, in addition to being insufficient, have not been fully implemented and which, therefore, are not useful in dealing with the emergency.
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