Strength training helps you lose fat, increase muscle strength and tone, and improve bone density (Getty)

Until a few years ago, lifting weights was considered a coaching reserved only for bodybuilders and athletes. However, science has extensively studied the medical benefits of strength training, a type of muscle building that uses weights to build endurance.

Weighted machines or free weights, hands or dumbbells can be used, and routines can be performed at home or at the gym. Over time, this activity tones and strengthens bone mass and muscles.

Mackenzie Longpersonal trainer registered in Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy of the Health System of mayo clinic in La Crosse and Onalaska, Wisconsin, USA, shared 10 tips for those new to this type of training.

Poor weightlifting technique can lead to sprains, strains, broken bones and other injuries (Getty)
Poor weightlifting technique can lead to sprains, strains, broken bones and other injuries (Getty)

“It doesn’t matter if you’re 19 or 90, run marathons or have trouble climbing stairs; bodybuilding can be beneficial to everyone, “said the specialist in mayo clinic. “Helps build muscle, strengthens bones, improves balance there avoid injury. It is often useful for people with different chronic diseases. Overall, it helps people feel better physically and mentally.”

Dr. Long added that in addition, strength training has been shown to help improve blood pressure, blood sugar (diabetes), brain health, bone density, cholesterol, chronic pain and heart disease. It also influences the metabolic process, which makes it an excellent weight control tool.

The benefits of physical activity also include mental health: it boosts self-confidence, reduces the risk of depression, boosts thinking and learning skills, and more, said the sports medicine specialist and physiotherapy.

Start with a weight you can comfortably lift 12-15 times (Getty Images)
Start with a weight you can comfortably lift 12-15 times (Getty Images)

1. Choose training equipment: There are many options available, such as free weights, dumbbells, weight machines, and bands. Some exercises use only body weight and do not require equipment. The right option depends on your budget and preferences. They all work if used correctly.

2. Don’t skip the warm-up: When muscles are cold they are more prone to injury, so consider warming up with a brisk walk for five to ten minutes and some dynamic stretching to start each workout.

3. Start with light weights: progressive progression in the first sessions. This can prevent muscle soreness and reduce the risk of injury.

4. Slowly increase the weight: increase the amount of weight gradually over a period of two to four weeks. When the muscles are fatigued and fatigued, 10-15 reps can become difficult.

To start training with weights, it is essential to consult a certified trainer to design a personalized routine (Getty)
To start training with weights, it is essential to consult a certified trainer to design a personalized routine (Getty)

5. Pay attention to the pain: Good weight training should relieve pain, not cause it. If you feel sharp pain, stop doing this exercise. If done correctly, it should also help strengthen bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

6. Perform lifts slowly: When lifting weights, do not use pulses. Most workout injuries are caused by swinging weights, poor technique, or lifting too much weight. Take about two seconds to raise the load and over four more seconds to lower it. train slower activate more muscle fibers during work, which ultimately increases the benefits of muscle building.

7. Incorporate breaks: Work your muscles until they are tired with each exercise, then let them rest for at least 48 hours. Lift weights two to three days a week, working every muscle group.

8. Look for variety: A good strength training program should include at least eight to twelve different exercises, targeting the major muscles of the legs, back, chest, abdomen, arms and shoulders.

When lifting weights, it's convenient to use the full range of motion of the joints (Getty)
When lifting weights, it’s convenient to use the full range of motion of the joints (Getty)

9. Focus on one set: Do at least one set of each exercise and pay attention to your form. Most people can get results doing one set of 10-15 reps of each exercise. Previously, researchers recommended at least two to three sets. However, the latest research indicates that one set, if done correctly, can be just as effective as multiple sets. Doing multiple sets is great if you have extra time and enjoy spending time in the gym.

10. Breathe: Remember to always hold your breath when lifting. Exhale during the hardest part of the exercise.

“If you’re just starting out with strength training, talk to a personal trainer or another member of your healthcare team about the best strength training exercises for you and learn proper forms and techniques to avoid injury,” recommended the bodybuilding specialist. the Mayo Clinic.

Continue reading:

Is resistance training effective for weight loss?
How to start exercising after 40
From children to the elderly: what kind of exercise should the person do according to the WHO

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