He National Seismological (SN) reported a microsism in the office of the mayor of Magdalena Contreras, in Mexico City, on the afternoon of Monday, March 6. Although the Mexican capital is a high-level seismic zone—due to its soil conditions—it is unusual for telluric movements to have such epicenter to the same city, since the majority arise in the coasts of the country.

It is for this reason that the shock recorded at the town hall Madeleine Contreras alarmed some capitalists. According to the National Seismological, the earthquake had a magnitude of 1.4 degrees, which was located 1 km northeast of the town hall of CDMX, with a latitude of 19.35 and a longitude of 99.21 and a 2 km deep.
The movement occurred shortly before 5:00 p.m. because according to information shared by the seismologist, the movement waves were perceived at 4:50:44 p.m. on Monday.

As the intensity of the movement was not of a large magnitude, it did not justify the activation of the seismic alertsTherefore, the SN report was only shared through official social media channels.
“EARTHQUAKE Magnitude 1.4 Loc. 1 km NORTHEAST OF LA MAGDALENA C, CDMX 06/03/23 16:50:44 Lat 19.35 Lon -99.21 Pf 2 km”
Despite the fact that the telluric movement was lower intensity, some residents of the southwest of the Mexican capital reported having perceived it. Through social networks, they confirmed that the tremor was felt in certain areas and they were alarmed because the alerts did not sound.

“Well, we feel it here, fucking scared”, “my colleagues call me crazy”, “it was light in some neighborhoods of Benito Juárez”, are some of the comments that have gone viral on social networks around the reported micro-earthquake
For its part, the Secretariat for Enterprise Risk Management and Civil protection of the CDMX has activated the protocols to serve the residents of the Madeleine Contreras that they had an emergency due to the tremor. But, as of 5:18 p.m., authorities reported no serious incidents.
Here is how he made it known through his social networks:
“We are establishing communication with the comprehensive risk management and civil protection units of the municipalities. No incidents or assignments are reported in Mexico City.
In early 2023, Mexico City recorded a series of telluric movements then classified as “unusual”. The National Seismological reported the first such movement in the country’s capital on January 30, it occurred in the mayor’s office Benito Juárez and was of magnitude 1.3.
Specifically, it was felt in the Parque Hundido area at the point of 12:49 p.m. It had a depth of 2 km.
Nearly a month later, the city saw such moves again, but this time it was in the mayor’s office. iztacalco of CDMX. Between February 21 and 23, at least five microsismosall of less intensity but which were perceived by the inhabitants of the place.
The Secretariat for Global Risk Management specified when and what magnitude the earthquakes were: they occurred at 4:44 p.m., 4:48 p.m., 4:52 p.m. and 4:58 p.m. on February 21 with magnitudes 2.1, 1.9, 1.2 and 1.9 respectively. ; which originated in Coyoacan It was magnitude 1.1 at 6:21 p.m.
The one recorded during February 22 was of magnitude 1.5 and occurred at 8:34 p.m., southwest of the demarcation, epicenter at iztapalapa.