YouTube might soon make Dislikes invisible.

YouTube has talked about plans to no longer make the dislikes on videos publicly visible in the future. But this idea does not go down well with everyone.

What’s the idea behind the plan? The dislike button is used by viewers on some YouTubers to devalue the videos. What is referred to as review bombing in the games can also happen in YouTube videos.

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If a YouTuber is controversial and some don’t like him or her, critics use the dislike button to harm the content creator. YouTube speaks of this targeted dislike campaigns:

“In response to feedback from content creators on targeted dislike campaigns, we’re testing a few new designs that don’t reflect the number of public dislikes. If you’re part of this little experiment, you might just become one of those designs in the coming weeks see.”

This means that the dislike ad might go away in the future. In theory, this would mean that it would no longer be possible to “don’t like” a video. More precisely, the audience wouldn’t see it anymore. Youtubers, on the other hand, get the Dislikes still appear in YouTube Studio.

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