WhatsApp has been down. That is why many users decided to migrate to Telegram , a similar messaging network. However, due to the increasing traffic, it seems to be stopping working properly. What’s going on?
It should be remembered that in addition to the fall of WhatsApp, problems were also generated with the social networks Facebook and Instagram, because they belong to the same property. However Twitter , which has other owners, is still standing.
What is Telegram?
It is a messaging app very similar to WhatsApp. Among its benefits, it can be mentioned that the application allows you to search the files saved by date or by keyword, and, as it has a web version, it makes the files available both on the cell phone and on the computer. Telegram also allows the sending of files of up to 1.5 GB.
Also, it is a safe application. Encryption is used based on the MTProto (Mobile Transport Protocol) protocol. According to the application, this type of encryption “strongly” protects conversations.
Another curiosity is that unlike WhatsApp, Telegram allows the user to use the same account on different devices at the same time.
Another fallen?
As reported by users in the last few minutes, Telegram has also fallen due to the congestion caused by the large number of people who began to join this Monday after the fall of WhatsApp.
Although I already saw it showing congested, after the slowness perceived by users when sending text messages and images, now users report the total fall of the service, without the option of being able to receive or send any data through the application.