Online purchases have been established as one more method of purchase, more and more users make purchases, renew their wardrobe or book their vacations through the Internet, making it necessary to pay with their credit cards. Cyberattacks that aim to get hold of your bank details are becoming more and more common, so we are going to give you a series of tips to follow to prevent them from getting hold of this information.
Although we are not fully aware of them, the Internet is a dangerous place, since being a virtual world it is easier to manipulate websites and services so that they appear to be something that they really are not. A little over a week ago, we talked about the 5 most used methods to steal bank information, and now we are going to explain a series of tips that will help mitigate the chances of being a victim of one of these thefts.
It is important to emphasize that when we talk about protecting your credit card from a cyber attack, these tips will not always prevent a hacker from accessing your personal information, but if you follow these steps it is more likely that said data will be safer than if you do not do.
The first of the keys is to always be alert. A cyberattack can come in any shape or color, a link, a file or a message can be the door for a hacker to get hold of our bank details, if you receive something unsolicited that assures you a great reward, it is better to be suspicious.
Although the attacks do not always come online, they are also wary of phone calls since you do not know for sure that it is a legitimate organization, so it is best to do the corresponding checks before giving any information.
Another danger is using your bank information for a purchase while you are using a public network, unless you use a VPN, this practice makes your bank information in a very vulnerable situation. Saving your bank details on a website after a purchase is also very dangerous, since if the company suffers an attack, the jhacker will have access to these data.
Finally, to avoid unknowingly downloading malware, the ESET team recommends downloading apps only from official stores (Google Play Store and Apple App Store) and if you make any purchases online, always do so from a site with HTTPS, as there is less chance of your data being intercepted.