First plasma lightsaber breaks records

Known by everyone from the popular Star Wars series, the lightsaber. Many Star Wars fans are enthusiastic about this animation of the lightsaber right from the start. But what if this suddenly becomes real? Hard to imagine cutting through steel beams with a light blade. A power many have wished for since the birth of Star Wars.

The well-known Youtuber Alex Burkan has now succeeded in doing just that. On his channel AlexLab he shows how to make absolutely incredible tools and machines. Now he came up with the breathtaking idea of ​​developing a fully functional lightsaber. But how does it work?

The lightsaber technique

Consisting of plasma, the light blade developed by Alex even cuts through materials such as steel. This creates the mixture, since it is a type of gas that can also conduct electricity.

For this reason it is known as the fourth state of matter. So after gaseous plasma follows, so it reaches temperatures of up to 2800 degrees. This temperature is 1300 degrees higher than the melting point of steel.

His self-built lightsaber works with just this technology. The lightsaber burns hydrogen and oxygen into plasma. An electrolyser splits the water used for this into hydrogen and oxygen. If you turn it off, you simply have to stop the gas supply, a simple principle.

Hack Smith Industries has also dealt with the technology and has already created a prototype. The only difference is the ease of use, because the Burkas lightsaber can be used without the gas tank connected. However, this results in a lower operating time due to the lack of reserve.

So the first stones on the way have been laid. The title in the Guinness World Record has been set since January 21, 2022, only the detailed work is missing. So it remains exciting.

Here you can see the official video:

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