On the 11th, Google updated the “Chromium Blog” and posted a commentary article on the memory usage efficiency and startup speed acceleration technology introduced in version 89 of the Chrome browser.

Chrome 89 has streamlined the use of memory that the foreground tabs aren’t actively using, and the actual behavior is to discard large images that scroll through, for example.

The macOS version of Chrome also reduces background tab memory usage by up to 8%. It also reports a 65% improvement in Apple Energy Impact’s score, which measures the load on the system.

The Android version and Windows (64-bit) version have been changed so that Google’s original memory allocator (memory allocation) “Partition Alloc” can be used, and as a result, the responsiveness of the browser is improved by up to 9%, and Windows The version reduces memory usage up to 22%.

Also, for the Android version, Chrome has been repackaged. Reduced the frequency of app crashes due to resource exhaustion.

Regarding the startup speed, the Android version has been increased by about 13% by installing a function to save the lightweight version of tabs called “Freeze-Dried Tabs”.

In the Android version, a long press preview function has also been added, Chrome 89. In the future, the release cycle will be every 4 weeks, and the development speed is likely to accelerate further.

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