UNITED STATES – The UN opens the annual meetings of its Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues with…
8 Articles
Demonstration against power cuts in Floresta (Nicolás Stulberg) The National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) filed a complaint…
You may have received a fake text message from cybercriminals posing as Netflix Cybercrime is on the…
Use Google Translate offline. (photo: Andro4all) Google Translate It has an option that allows you to upload…
Collecting three ancient Fortnite texts in Shattered Slabs is the challenge here, and they’re a little more…
Evo Morales maintains that in 2019 he suffered a coup (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni) The 2019…
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Was Bolivia’s 2019 political crisis that left 37 people dead a coup…
Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Offline) “You are standing at the end of an alley in front of…