If now that you spend more time at home you have decided to re-enter that free time consuming social network, it is possible that you have run into a fairly common problem: you do not remember the password of your user. Don’t worry, there are ways to regain access to the account, so we are going to leave you with several solutions so that you can go back to liking your friends’ posts without stopping and without any reasoning.
Facebook Password Forgotten
The day you signed up for Facebook you should have used an email and password. Over time, the service could have also asked you for your mobile phone number, a detail that, if you did not complete and now you are trying to recover your password, you may be greatly regretting.
And it is that there can be several cases in a situation like this. If you need to enter your Facebook account, and you do not know the password, the service will ask you for your email to send you a recovery link. To do this, you will only have to access the Facebook account recovery panel and enter your email.
Once complete, the service will identify the existence of said email in its database and will offer you the options available to recover your password, which are usually the following:
- Use Google account : If you have linked your Google account to the service before, you will have the opportunity to use your Google account as a password recovery method so that you can change it quickly. This could be a feasible solution, since if you use Android, you most likely have direct access to your Google account.
- Send code by email : This method is the most common and used by users, since it will send an email to the email account that is related to the profile. You just have to choose the option and you will immediately receive an email with a link for you to access and change the password for a new one. The form you will access will allow you to set a new password on your Facebook account, so you know, you are not going to lose it again. This option is the one that is usually used when you do not have a Google account.
- Send code by SMS : If you previously configured your mobile phone number, the account unlock code will be sent via SMS to the mobile number that you had registered in said account. Including the mobile phone in your Facebook account is not something to the taste of all users, but with adequate privacy, it will be of tremendous use in extreme cases like this.
How can I recover my Facebook password if I don’t have access to email?
If for some reason you do not have access to the email with which you signed up for Facebook, the solutions to recover the password go through the other two remaining ones. Either you log in with your Google account (if you have it linked), or you use the phone number so that you can receive an SMS with the relevant code.
To do this, on the account recovery website, instead of entering your email, use the phone number that you have registered with Facebook to proceed with sending the SMS. That will be your last chance to get your Facebook account back.
What if I don’t have an associated phone number?
Here comes the bad news. If you do not have a phone number associated with your Facebook account, you will run out of options to recover the password, since Facebook will not have a way to reliably corroborate your identity, so all you have to do is forget about account and start a new life on Facebook. This is something that actually happens, since Facebook keeps privacy completely safe (ahem), and does not accept any type of different method with which to recover your account.
How do I save my mobile number on Facebook?
You may not be too happy to enter your phone number on the social network. We understand you. According to official information from Facebook, only you will be able to see the information of your phone number, so you should not worry about a possible leak of it. To this day, there is no known case of spam or information theft due to making use of this type of information, so you can be sure to enter this information in your account. You must bear in mind that the different privacy settings are the ones that will truly protect your account from peepers and intruders, so that will be where you should especially put your concern.
The data of the phone is used, in addition to recovering the password, to receive notifications by SMS, although indirectly it is used to receive friendship suggestions and more specific and defined announcements. It is something quite personal, but if you tend to be a disaster with passwords, you may not have another to avoid problems in the future.
To enter your phone number in the Facebook profile we will have to do the following:
- Log in to your Facebook account with your profile
- Access the Settings panel.
- And click on the Mobile section.
- Select the option to add phone number and save the changes.
- You will receive a confirmation code via SMS that you must enter in the box on the right to definitively confirm that the number you entered is indeed yours.
Your mobile phone will have been registered in your account, so from now on you will be able to log in and recover the password with that information.
Your phone number will only be used to access the service, receive SMS notifications (if you configure them) and find people from your contact list, but at no time will Facebook use it to sell advertising or anything similar.
Trusted friends
As we do with house keys, we can always leave a copy with a trusted neighbor to be able to enter the house in case of theft or loss. Well, the same thing happens with Facebook. In the configuration panel, within the Security and login section , you will find the option Trusted friends , a function that will allow us to recover the password through the account of one of our friends on the network.
In order for you to use this in the future, you must enter the name of the friends that you want to be able to recover your password if you need it.
With these last measures you should ensure access to your account in a large number of possible scenarios, so it would not hurt to check your account settings and take a look to see if you have everything in order.