Over the weekend, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, started a vote in which he wanted to determine whether people wanted him to stay on as CEO of the social network or not. Although it seemed that he had backed down, new information suggests that Musk is indeed looking for a person to take the position of CEO of the social network.
According to CNBC sources, Twitter is looking for a person to take the position of CEO of the company so that Musk leaves him and devotes his time to other things. This search reportedly began before Musk did the Twitter poll.
So the poll would really be of little use since Twitter was looking for a new CEO anyway. That said, it’s possible Musk would have changed his mind about leaving office if the vote hadn’t gone wildly unfavorable.
Elon Musk already planned to leave his post at Twitter
An important point to note is that the search for a new CEO for Twitter will surely surprise few people close to Elon Musk’s entourage. After all, the Tesla and SpaceX mogul made it clear that he intended to take the position temporarily. In this way, everything indicates that the plan will continue just as planned.
What do you think about this new? Do you think Twitter will take a better course with a change in general direction or do you think Elon Musk should stay in office? Tell us in the comments.