With the huge amount of content that is uploaded to social networks like Facebook, surely you have found yourself in that situation of finding a video that you would like to download to watch over and over again. But of course, these services are not going to make it easy for us, since what they are interested in is that we spend as much time as possible within their platform. To solve this problem, today we want to explain how you can download any Facebook video in less than 1 minute from any device .

Facebook and privacy

Before explaining how you can carry out this simple process, we have to clarify a couple of important details.

It is true that one of the main interests of any social network is the time that the user spends within its platform. And, if we download a video from it, the retention time in this social network decreases since, every time we watch the video locally, it is one less visit that Facebook loses.

But of course, this is not the only reason why these platforms do not allow any user to easily download their content. This directly affects the privacy and image rights of anyone who posts something within Facebook.

Therefore, whenever we carry out the process that we now explain to you, we must do so under our full responsibility . From El Output we do not want to encourage anyone to do so , we only offer you the information so that you know that you have that possibility. With that said, let’s go through the process.

Download Facebook Videos on a PC

As a first option, to download them from a Windows PC, Choose a Facebook video downloader that allows us to download videos from any social network such as Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook or YouTube. Or, we will even have the possibility to do the same with Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney +, HBO, and more than 1000 streaming services.

The use is as simple as installing the program, which has a free version to test it, putting the URL of the video we want to download… and hitting «Go». Then we will enter the video in question and a download button appears in the upper left corner. You just have to give it, choose the quality and we can download both the video or the audio in MP3 without problems.

Download Facebook Videos with an iPhone

In the case of mobile phones with iOS (the operating system of the iPhone), Apple is quite reluctant to include according to which applications within the App Store. Among them are those that download content from social networks without asking for too many permissions.

So, the method that we are going to use goes through third party services. How? Well, by accessing web pages that, by entering the address of the video, will download the content to our gallery or download folder. There are many websites of this type, but we are going to use the most popular of all: savefrom.net . The steps to follow are very easy:

  • Access Facebook and locate the video you want to download.
  • Click on the share menu and, here, click on the “copy link” option.
  • Now you just have to enter the savefrom.net website and, in the search box, paste the url that you copied to Facebook so that the website can perform the search.
  • When the video is ready to be downloaded, the “Download” button will appear from which we can choose its quality. Now you just have to click on it for it to start.

It is likely that on some occasion, when you press this button, some type of advertising is launched instead of the download option that you see in the screenshot that we leave you right above appears. In this case you will only have to go back to the previous tab and click on the button again until it appears.

As you can imagine, we could say that this method is “universal” to any computer where we can use a web browser. So, if you don’t want to download any extra applications or install dubious extensions, you can carry out these same steps either with an iPhone, with an Android mobile phone or directly through the browser on your own computer.

Download Facebook Videos on Android

Finally, in the case of Android phones, downloading videos from Facebook is just as simple as we saw in the first section with computers. As it is a more open operating system, any developer can create applications to perform different actions, such as facilitating downloads from this social network. The application you need is called “Video Downloader for Facebook” and you can find it for free on Google Play. Like this there are many other very similar ones, so we leave you a download button below so that you can acquire the same one that we have tested.

Once you download this application, the steps to follow are very simple:

  • Enter Facebook from the application on your smartphone or through the browser.
  • Locate the video in question that you want to download and click on the 3 dots icon to open the options for that publication.
  • Click on the “copy link” option to save the url of this video to the clipboard.
  • Exit Facebook and enter the “Video Downloader …” app. It will automatically detect the url of your clipboard and start downloading the video to your smartphone.

Remember that, in case you want to try other applications if you use a computer or a phone with the Google operating system, some of the alternatives found online could include some type of malicious software. So we recommend that you only use the apps that we recommend in this tutorial. Although, if you don’t want to risk it, the best alternative is to download the content through web pages.

That’s how easy it is to download any Facebook video from any device and in less than 1 minute. We hope this tutorial will help you, and remember, you must do it at your own risk.

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