Curious is the interest that Rocío Carrasco, Antonio David and Olga Moreno (and all their relatives) have aroused even before the appearance of the documentary “Rocío, tell the truth to stay alive “ and its possible continuation.
The magazine “Semana” has published an interesting article in which, thanks to the Google Trends tool, they have studied the searches about Moreno and Carrasco throughout the year and have been able to see the evolution of Spanish taste, conflict zones and how they spectators have crowned one of the two to the detriment of the other.
The beginning of the year is similar for both, but the arrival of the docuseries in March throws a spike over Carrasco that they immediately use users to search about Moreno.
As the data show, if March was Rocío’s month, Moreno’s participation in “Survivors” began to give relevance and the searches about her overshadowed those of Rocío Jurado’s daughter.
After rising as the winner of the Mediaset program, Moreno rose as one of the people who has been searched the most in Google in 2021, dressing everything with television appearances.
After the passing of the summer, as reported by “Semana”, the topics about the documentary calmed down and in October Olga Moreno returned to the limelight when the separation was announced by surprise of the couple.
The curious color map of Spain made with Google Trends data shows a country full of blue with which Rocío Carrasco would only be queen of La Rioja.