Actor Micky Molina was arrested this Wednesday at the Ibiza airport for resistance and disobedience to authority, as sources from the Civil Guard have confirmed to Europa Press. After arriving on the island at around 10 p.m. this Wednesday, the actor starred an altercation at the airport, as explained by the Civil Guard.

Already in the summer of 2019, the actor was investigated in Ibiza for a crime against road safety, for hitting a girl in a parking lot of a restaurant in Santa Eulària. After taking the breathalyzer test, the actor tested positive in both tests.

The girl’s family defended the actor with a statement in which they explained that Molina “could not prevent the vehicle from rolling slightly forward, lightly touching the girl, who, when she saw that the car was going towards her, threw herself to the ground, causing as a consequence some scratches on her knees when rubbing against sand and asphalt”.

As the little girl’s parents expressed then, “Miguel repeatedly asked for forgiveness, very sorry and after the incident he has contacted us every day to inquire about the girl’s condition, constantly apologizing and regretting what happened.”

The actor lives most of the year in Ibiza.

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