Interpreter of the eternal Tiazinha, Suzana Alves revealed that she burned the character’s clothes when she decided to abandon her career on TV, at the height of success. The attitude, according to her, was so that she could be who she is today.

“Everything I have is thanks to God and Tiazinha. I am grateful, but I had to deny (the character) to be myself. I wanted to be Suzana. I lived a period of mourning. I had to bury the character so I could be born. I even burned some clothes (of Tiazinha). It was a real ritual. Several rituals took place. I dyed my hair red and wanted to be called by my name, Suzana. I didn’t want to be called Tiazinha. Nobody else knew my name, not even my family,” she said in an interview with Leo Dias.

The actress explained that she had to keep some pieces, such as the mask, for fear of suffering when remembering all the good things she has experienced thanks to Tiazinha.

Suzana Alves, the former Tiazinha

Suzana Alves, the former Tiazinha

“I kept some things. It’s my story. I’m glad I didn’t burn everything because I would regret it, right? This mourning lasted 10 years. When you’re an actor, it’s hard to take a character away from you. All the characters I’ve done I’ve had to take to therapy,” she explained.

Converted more than 20 years ago to the evangelical religion, Suzana now uses her social networks to evangelize. Recently, she propped up her old and famous character to “preach” on the web. The actress recorded a video holding the disguise piece to advise her followers to “abandon the masks”.

“Behind which mask have you been hiding? Where is your true essence? When will you stop being you? Protect yourself behind a mask that is simply not who you truly are? Drop the masks,” she said in the video.

Married to former tennis player Flavio Saretta, Suzana has used social networks to evangelize and remember her masked times, when she was a huge success with the character Tiazinha, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, in the extinct program “H”, presented by Luciano Huck.

“Playboy” sales record holder, the actress, now 44, published in February a video with the Bible in her hand recalling the great fame she had and saying that today she is happy and complete for having “found Jesus”.

“When I look back I keep thinking: man, I was the most famous girl in this country. Everyone wanted to be me. Everyone wanted to have my body, my hair, my clothes, all the magazines wanted to have me on the cover, because I gave a lot of ibope. I lived like a rock and roll star,” she began.

“I stopped everywhere, I couldn’t leave the door of my house without security. I just walked around surrounded by a team. I had people to make my clothes, maid, security, driver… I was the bambambam. And I really was. I don’t have to deny my past,” she continued.

Suzana compared the life she had before with the one she has today: “Except I had no friends, I had no people who loved me. I had no idea what love was. I was frustrated. Despite being the top of Brazil, I didn’t have that smile, that lightness that I have today. It was missing for me. And that didn’t fill my ego. It didn’t make me run around chasing likes, likes, plastic surgery, clothes, carnival, wanting the praise of others. It’s over. I discovered the meaning of life. He loved me first, and so I gave my body, my mind, my spirit, everything I have to him.”

“Today, my material life is completely different from the one I lived. No one looks at me anymore as they did before. Or if they do, maybe to make some criticism or comment because of the life I have today,” he said.

“I no longer have the money I had before, I no longer have the fame I had before. But I have never been as happy as I am today. Today’s happiness is born from within, because it comes with a unique God, who truly loves me. He rebuilt my life,” she concluded.

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