The withdrawal of Enrique Ponce from the ring has been highly criticized, but also very supported by his friends and people who know him perfectly.
Only people who have this profession know how complicated it is to make this decision and, above all, to have the courage and courage to make it public when you are the protagonist week in and week out of the media.
Óscar Higares, a great friend of the bullfighter Enrique Ponce, has wanted to confess to us what he thinks of the master’s decision and the truth is that he has been very understandable with him, since as we have explained before, it is not easy to decide something like this: “When the It will be for something, it seems fantastic to me”.
And it is that many have assured in recent weeks that his divorce and romantic relationship with Ana Soria have affected him in his professional field and have not helped him to be focused on what he should. That is why, according to many, he has made the decision to withdraw from the arena.
Meanwhile, Óscar Higares has assured us that he is filming a series and is happy to remain in the world of acting: “Very good. It’s been many years in the world of acting, I’ve been retired from the world of bullfighting for 10 years, it’s a Bygone era. Fourteen years ago I did my first series. Luckily to continue there is wonderful.”