The news has surprised and is also inexplicable. There is no justification that Martha Ortega has decided to earn more millions, although she is within her rights, charging ten cents – what a pittance – for each bag she sells.
They do not come out of astonishment and stupefaction. They tear their hair out at such surprising, poor, petty behavior. Get rid of everything that is not pretty.
The super-millionaire increase in extra earnings for those simple ten-centimeter bags seems incredible, it is something never seen before and it will take its toll in the short and long term.
Who will have deceived the millionaire company for such a determination? It remains to be seen, but heads will surely fall because it is not admissible, logical or forgivable to damage an image like this, an example of effort, dedication, dedication and well-earned money.
No one discusses that as they do now, and in what ruthless way, before the new and fundraising plan as devised by someone from another planet just like charging for ten centimeter shopping bags. It is the never seen, what no one ever imagined, not even in delusions.
Hence the bewilderment, the strong criticism and disqualifications, the buzzing censor. In view of the unpleasant but expected consequences, they may back down and perhaps even apologize. Although I don’t think so because it would be acknowledging fault. Little slip.
While David Bustamante resorts to humor ironically that “whenever Paula and Miguel want, I’ll be happy to cook them something”. Shoot to kill in an understandable relief that reflects more than it intends. His discomfort is obvious, how unintelligent! By the mouth dies the fish.
Meanwhile, and as if that were not enough, Antonio David Flores and Marta Riesco already admit that they live together. We can sleep peacefully, what a weight we have lifted off of us. It remains to be seen how long they last, although I imagine it will be long, warm and well managed with a head and abundant money.
That will go by chapters because it has to last and I have no doubt that they will sell well. Until they invent something new. We ran out of wonder.