Ana María Canseco. (Photo. Ana María Canseco-Instagram)

The presenter Ana María Canseco gave an exclusive interview to the magazine People in spanish where he told how his days are after leaving his life in Miami behind.

“In large part, I did it because of the deterioration of my mother’s health, after the pandemic I realized that we do not have bought life and that the important thing was to be physically closer to the family and I packed up and said goodbye to my dear Miami, not without a lump in my throat ”, explained the Mexican driver.

Upon her arrival in San Antonio, Texas, the journalist confessed that nothing was as she expected.

“Upon arrival I came across the strong reality that my mother was sicker than what she told me in our phone conversations and required a lot of help. It is a miracle that she had not had an accident alone at home. I’m not going to lie to you, it is difficult and a lot, especially living alone for so long and now the responsibility of medical appointments, medicines, food and many etc. It has taken me time. Thanks to my brothers and family who are always supporting us ”, he mentioned.

Como le ha ido a la presentadora Ana Maria Canseco lejos de Miami 1

During the conversation, Canseco couldn’t help but talk about Miami and how much he misses his days in the city of the Sun. “I miss my friends, the people, the food, its beautiful beaches … Of course I miss it,” he revealed.

Ana María confessed how her days are and how much they have changed. “I wake up before 7 o’clock, I take out the 5 puppies – my mother’s 3 and mine are 2 -, I feed them, I prepare their medicine and coffee for my mother, I take a bath and I fix myself and I assemble the lights for the live of Despierta América. Finishing to take the dogs out again, plan the meal, cook, my mother’s medicine, serve the food, do the radio show El Show de Ana María Canseco, check that everything is fine with my blog, dinner, more medicine, watching TV, etc. Good when there are no medical appointments. I don’t do anything out of this world, but I think I get better every day ”.

“My dreams have changed a lot. Today I dream that my mother recovers and lives to the fullest happy and pain-free for many more years, I pray for the health of my family and that we never lack reasons to smile, “added the famous.

Ana María Canseco managed to position herself as one of the best television presenters. The host has participated in great programs such as Wake up America, The fat and the skinny and A new day, the last morning you worked.

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