Just a few hours ago the news of the hospital admission of Ortega Cano in a Madrid hospital broke out. This was announced exclusively by ‘Semana’. An intestinal obstruction that is already being treated due to discomfort that began to feel in the stomach when the bullfighter was at his home in Madrid.
it was his daughter Glory Camila, the one in charge of taking him to the clinic to receive the necessary medical attention. She has been precisely the one in charge of publicly giving the last hour about her father’s health status:
“He is fine and within what has happened to him he is stable,” she has told in ‘It’s already Eight’. In fact, a clear confirmation that Ortega Cano is well is the presence of his daughter in the Telecinco program, where she attends weekly as a collaborator.
The doctors are subjecting the bullfighter to different tests to locate the source of the problem, and although it has been the bullfighter himself who has sounded the alarm to his family and loved ones, the pains have not stopped and he continues to feel strong stomach discomfort.
At the moment, not many more details are known about the state in which the husband of Ana Maria Aldon, but concern grows among his loved ones and a good part of public opinion.
The truth is that, at 68 years old, Ortega Cano has not had his best year in terms of health, and this new pothole does nothing but complicate the already delicate situation.