The judge surprises his followers by showing his paintings on social networks
These paintings have surprised his followers, but especially the widow of the Marquis de Griñón, who boasts on social networks of the most artistic side of Pedraz:
“Today I want to share with all of you a gift that makes me very excited and it is a painting that my partner, Santiago Pedraz, has painted me, of whom I cannot be more proud,” says Doña in a video that she has posted on her Instagram account with the creation.
It is specifically about ‘With you: The infinite dream Lung madness‘, as the artist himself has titled it. A declaration of love towards Esther Doña, with whom she is living an eternal honeymoon since her love story came to light last year 2021.
And it is that both are the couple of the moment and they show it in each one of his public appearances.