Boncó and Milanés began their broadcast as they usually do with their cordial welcome to each guest. (Photo: Screenshot – Youtube Manuel Milanés)
The Cuban singer Descemer Bueno left a live interview on the Manuel Milanés program “Un socio pa ‘tu Negocios” which he broadcasts from his YouTube channel in the company of the comedian Boncó Quiñongo.
The interpreter of “Your lights on me” left the direct in an act of total discourtesy when Milanés made him know, with all due respect, that he did not like the tone that the dialogue was taking; Since the singer devoted himself completely to talking about the Cuban presenter Alex Otaola, with whom he has been in a lawsuit on social networks for some time.
“Look Descemer, I’m going to tell you one thing with all simplicity, humility … take it well. First, I don’t like the direction the interview is taking and I’m going to tell you why, you are so good at what we want to talk about (…) ”he barely managed to say when the composer also released“ if you don’t like the direction look (…) and ended his speech.
Boncó and Milanés began their broadcast as they usually do with their cordial welcome to each guest, and Descemer was no exception. They even called for a prayer of the Our Father and the orishas, according to Cuban beliefs, to honor the moment.
The Cuban comedian highlighted the work of his guest and invited him to talk about his new role as an agent of change, to which he replied that the people had to be literate on the subject.
He also made it known that he was not part of the so-called cultural exchange since he lived in the United States 15 years ago. First, he lived in New York and later moved to Miami.
“Before there was no cultural exchange, I remember that it was Channel 41 who gave the opportunity for the first time to open our way. Nor did you see anyone opening fire, the other way around they would open the doors for you because they saw that you were trying to help your family, ”said Descemer.
“At the end of the road it was super advantageous to have an audience in Cuba and to be able to convince those people that they are the ones who have to take the step,” he said.
In all his statements, the music producer also showed his obsession to defend a struggle of Cuban Afro-descendants, who according to him have been mistreated and vilified by the government, when in reality it is a struggle of the entire Cuban people.
He also spoke of his support for Luis Manuel Otero and the other members of the San Isidro Movement whom he intends to support in future projects, so that they have the opportunity to record their music.
He also explained that he had no ties with the Castro family, or with the Cuban leadership when he reiterated that “he had not had dinner or shared moments with them.”
Their conversation began to rise in tone when in his own words he began to speak of Otaola, without anyone mentioning it. At the same time, he complained that the influencer’s lawyers took him to impeachment, accusing him of being a communist.
Finally, Manuel Milanés himself questions how he intends to bring the dialogue to Cuba and help the MSI if he is the one who does not know how to hold a respectful conversation.