“Having her by my side comes in handy in the complicated and screwed-up situation I’m living in,” he confesses to LA REZÓN

The arrival of the Colombian Clarita in his life is like a breath of fresh air for Collate Vallejo-Nágera, who exclusively confesses to LA REZON thatI am very happy with Clarita. She is a very good girl, and having her by my side is very good in the complicated and screwed-up situation that I am living in”.

It refers to the judicial process that has confronted him for a long time with Paulina Rubio, mother of his only son. And that he has qualified as a without living due to the harshness of the judgments.

Colate adds that “it is very important to have a person like Clarita, who supports me and helps me, both to resist the blows that are badly given, and to feel happy, when I am not with my son, because I felt very lonely and it became very hard when the child was not by my side”.

In a few days he will return to Spain to spend some time with his family during the Christmas holidays, and he will be accompanied by his son and his girl.

Clarita is a native of the Colombian town of Medellín, she is separated, does not have children and works as a fabric designer in an important company in Miami.

Years ago, Colate and Clarita already had a short romance, which ended when he had to leave Miami to come to the country. A few months ago the reunion took place and they recovered affections from the past.

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