When the reality show The Osbournes (MTV) aired, which followed the adventures of musician Ozzy Osbourne and his family, they all met Kelly (30) and Jack (29), two of the three children the leader of Black Sabbath had with his second wife Sharon. In fact, the biggest dividend from the show was Kelly, who later dabbled in music, acting, and even fashion criticism as a panelist on the show Fashion Police (E!).
But Ozzy and Sharon’s other daughter was never heard of much. This is Aimee (31), who refused to participate in the reality show and only came up with her name from time to time, when mentioned by her parents or siblings.
According to the American newspaper New York Post, Aimee, who until now was practically unknown, is dedicated to music under the pseudonym ARO (which is nothing more than the initials of her name “Aimee Rachel Osbourne”).
Her first single, Raining Gold, debuted earlier this month, garnering a number of followers and was even compared to Lana Del Rey.
As part of this launch, the New York Post asked him why he did not want to participate in his family’s popular reality show. She confessed that she did not want to be under public scrutiny and face all that instant fame entails.
It should be noted that Aimee began writing songs when she was still a teenager, however, her official work in music began only 7 years ago, although she could not do much due to differences with the producers.
“A lot of people assumed that it would be easy to do something really commercial, because it would attract attention. Like I had to fight for my voice to be heard, “he said.
Aimee finally found her style and will be releasing an EP in the next few months. Her style is rather melancholic, because according to her, very happy rhythms do not suit her. “All my life, they told me I was an old soul. I never connected with other children when I was little. I was a bit lonely, but fascinated with the emotions that people feel, “he said.
After releasing the video clip of their song Raining Gold, both Sharon and Ozzy proudly began to spread the news on social networks.