The Biden Administration warned that the lack of a budget extension, held up by Republicans in the House of Representatives, could leave the fight against fentanyl trafficking without funds.

The White House charged that if Republicans in the House of Representatives do not pass a budget extension, funding for the fight against fentanyl trafficking could soon end.

There are several resources requested by Joe Biden’s administration to the congressmen, to maintain the efforts of different agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice and the DEA.

“House Republicans are on the verge of breaking with the Senate GOP and turning their backs on the funding commitment they made to the American people, but they must remember that lives are at stake in the debate over government funding,” the White House said.

It adds that last week the Biden Administration took on new work against fentanyl trafficking and addiction, in addition to moving forward in the Senate with funding negotiations.

“The Senate has already introduced bipartisan bills that keep the promise of government funding that both parties in both chambers made to the American people this year,” said the Biden Administration. “House Republicans have a tough choice to make: will they honor their word, live up to their responsibility to avoid a government shutdown, and act on life-and-death priorities, like fighting the fentanyl crisis?”

The White House asked Congress to provide $800 million to fight fentanyl trafficking, which has caused more than 80,000 deaths by 2022.

“The American people are clear where they stand,” the White House said citing a Morning Consult poll highlighting that Americans consider fighting fentanyl “a priority.”

“Combating the spread of fentanyl is a top priority for the American people, while far-right priorities, such as impeachment [of Biden], had very little support. Many other polls reinforce this conclusion,” the White House defended.

The Biden Administration even cited Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) as backing a bipartisan funding deal, as well as criticizing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) for backing away from negotiations.

The federal government also cites other Republicans concerned about fentanyl trafficking, including McCarthy himself.

“Once again, House Republicans have a pressing decision to make: will they maintain their commitment to the country and provide the resources we need to address our urgent challenges, or will they delay the most critical needs of the American people by deciding that a baseless impeachment?” the White House criticized.

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