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The Minister of Education of the Nation, Nicolas Trotta, again warned that the return of students to classrooms will be subject to the epidemiological situation of each province. This Monday, the Ministry of Health reported 8,185 new positive cases of COVID-19 and 425 fatalities, the highest number since November.
In San Juan, next to the governor Sergio Uñac, within the framework of tours of the interior of the country facing the beginning of the 2021 school year, Trotta ratified that the commitment of the National Government “is the beginning of classes on the date set by each of the jurisdictions, maximizing attendance” . In that sense, he remarked that in San Juan, as in most of the provinces, classes will begin on March 1, while at the same time he mentioned that the City of Buenos Aires set its starting date for the 17 February: “We are going to accompany each of the jurisdictions.”
In dialogue with Mauro Viale, in The A24 Newscast, the holder of the educational portfolio stated that “In 2021 it is essential to regain presence in our classrooms” and that “the vaccination process will allow to intensify this careful presence”. “We must prioritize the return”, he emphasized.
“2021 is a key year, also to recover the learning that we had left pending and for the school to address the subjective impact that the pandemic has had on boys and girls”added.
Trotta’s statements are in line with the president’s words Alberto Fernandez who days ago, after confirming the return of the students to the classrooms, said that he asked the minister of the educational portfolio “that the study plan be reviewed so that during the course of this year the contents that during the 2020 could have been bypassed as a result of the restrictions ”. “We are preparing that planning and we will present it in the next few days,” the president had advanced.
Faced with a scenario in which infections have increased again in recent weeks, Trotta stated that “the challenge is to start safely at all levels and modalities.” In this sense, he reported that in the next few days the vaccination scheme for teachers will be defined: “We want to prioritize initial education, special education and first, second and third grade teachers, who are the first to be vaccinated and then move forward in the rest”.
Asked about how the growth in the number of infected can impact the opening of schools, he stated that “It is essential to make it clear that the better the epidemiological reality in each jurisdiction, the more presence we will be able to have and the more days the boys will be physically in school.” The bet will also be focused on “the vaccination process” that “will allow the presence to be improved”. For this reason, he remarked that going back to school “implies a commitment from governments and that we support care; let’s prioritize school ”.
In the last hours, the Minister of Education specified that in the first stage of the return to the classrooms, there will be a “dual system”, that is, with face-to-face classes and also virtual classes as they were developed throughout 2020 with the exception of those schools rural “with small groups of 10, 15, 20 students where perhaps 100% attendance can be met.”
However, he regretted that Argentina is very far from a total return to the classroom as before 2020: “There is no infrastructure that can allow absolute presence as it was prior to the pandemic.”
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