The District of Columbia magistrate ruled against the request of the Department of Justice, on behalf of the Government of Joe Biden, which asked Donald Trump in contempt for allegedly not having responded to the request of a grand jury.

The Justice of the United States denied on Friday to declare the former president of the country Donald Trump in contempt, as requested by the Government of the current president, Joe Biden.

According to the CNN and NBC channels, which cited sources familiar with the case, District of Columbia Magistrate Beryl Howell ruled against the Executive’s request, which requested that Trump be declared in contempt for allegedly not having responded to the request of a grand jury.

In her place, Howell pressured both the Trump Defense and the Department of Justice – on behalf of the US government – to reach a mutually agreed resolution.

The grand jury demanded that Trump in May return classified documents from when he was president that he still has in his possession, something the former president would not have done.

Last week, the US Justice annulled the figure of the special expert appointed by a lower court to review the official documents found in the Trump mansion in Florida.

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit thus agreed with the Department of Justice, led by Democrat Merrick Garland, and which in October had requested that the order issued by a lower-ranking judge that led to the appointment of the independent expert.

That appointment had been one of Trump’s greatest judicial achievements in the legal battle he is having with the current US government in relation to those documents, since the expert was in charge of determining what papers the Executive could access in their research and which ones not.

To date, the expert was reviewing the hundred documents marked as classified that were found among the more than 13,000 that the FBI seized on August 8 during the search of Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

During the search, the FBI found classified and secret documents that Trump allegedly took with him when he left the White House in January 2021.

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