• Hillary Clinton recalled Trump’s rally in Ohio where she “was there ranting and raving for over an hour, and you have these rows of young people with their arms up.”

Hillary Clinton compared Donald Trump’s rally last week in Ohio to speeches by Adolf Hitler, reports Fox News.

The former first lady spoke Friday at the Texas Tribune Festival and there she referenced the Nazi leader’s speeches, in which people raised their right arms in the air as a form of greeting.

“I remember when I was a young student, you know, trying to figure out how Hitler basically attracts people (…) “How did that happen? I would watch the news and see this guy standing there ranting and raving and people screaming and throwing their arms up. I thought, ‘What happened to these people?'” Clinton detailed.

Later, she compared the events of Hitler to the former president’s rally in Ohio, mentioning the particular finger salute of Trump supporters.

Attendees at the tycoon’s event raised their fingers to the sky as a song associated with QAnon played.

“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night, Trump was there ranting and raving for over an hour, and you have these lines of young people with their arms up,” she said. “I thought, what is going on?”

Taylor Budowich, a Trump spokesman, responded to Hillary’s remarks in a statement to Fox News, describing what the former secretary of state said as “some of the most disgusting slurs imaginable.”

“It seems that perpetual failed candidate Hillary Clinton’s basket of wretches has become obsolete, not unlike her (…) It’s pathetic, it’s divisive and it’s further cementing her legacy of shame,” Budowich said, according to Fox News.

Clinton wasn’t the only one who found the finger salute at Trump’s rally in Ohio controversial, with New York State Senator Anna Kaplan comparing it to the “Heil Hitler” salute used by the Nazis.

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