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He vaccination program against Covid-19 in the United States started the past December 14, 2020, with the arrival of the first vaccines of the Pfizer pharmaceutical The different states of the country began a vaccination campaign with priority attention to people who work in the health sector.

According to the Georgia vaccination plan, the groups considered as priority son: health care staff and residents of long-term care facilities, this first group is within the fase 1A in the vaccination plan.

The fase 1B contemplate emergency responders, essential frontline workers, as agricultural and food sector workers as well as public transportation and services. It also includes adults over 75 yearsSince their condition represents a risk, they are susceptible to becoming seriously ill against SARS-Cov2.

Adults over 75 years of age are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19, for that reason they are considered in the early stages of vaccination. (Photo: CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH EFE / EPA)

Adults over 75 years of age are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19, for that reason they are considered in the early stages of vaccination. (Photo: CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH EFE / EPA)

He Georgia Department of Public Health shared a list of hospitals and health centers that distribute the COVID vaccine, so that the residents of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area can obtain the vaccine, through a system of online dating and voluntarily.

The person interested in applying the doses and who complies with the early phase profiles may schedule your appointment visiting the website of the distribution center of your choice, you must adjust to dose availability, since at the moment there is a limited number of vaccines per region.

Once the appointment is confirmed, You must go to the health center with a mask and preferably with a mask to be treated, in addition, you must follow the measure of healthy distance while waiting your turn.

The list of hospitals and health centers located in the Fulton County that are part of the City of Atlanta son:

Family Practice Center PC

Fulton County Board of Health (COVID 1 Vaccination Center) at the Aviation Cultural Center

Fulton County Board of Health (COVID 2 Vaccination Center) located in the Mercedes Benz Stadium

Fulton County Board of Health (COVID 4 Vaccination Center) en Aviation Community Cultural Center

Some health centers serve people who attend in their car, in order to run a lower risk of contagion from Covid-19. (Photo: Cristobal Herrera / EFE)

Some health centers serve people who attend in their car, in order to run a lower risk of contagion from Covid-19. (Photo: Cristobal Herrera / EFE)

It is important to note that the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, known to the United States Census Bureau as Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta Metropolitan Statistical Area, encompasses about 31 counties in North Georgia. Therefore, for this area, the hospitals that will provide the vaccination service in these early stages are:

Bartow County Health Department

Cherokee County Health Department

Carroll County Health Department

Clayton County Health Department Truett Cathy PLC

Clayton County Health Department Forest Park Rec.

The first vaccine authorized by the United States government was that of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. (Photo: Brian Snyder / EFE)

The first vaccine authorized by the United States government was that of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. (Photo: Brian Snyder / EFE)

Cobb Department of Public Health

Coweta County Health Department

Douglas Department of Public Health

Coweta County Health Department

DeKalb County Health Department

According to Coweta and Dekalb’s appointment calendar, from the week of January 11 to January 16, the schedule is saturated, so they asked those interested to be patient and schedule in subsequent weeks.

The vaccination campaign began on December 14, 2020 in order to cover the first phase that includes all health personnel who are at constant risk of contagion. (Photo: Mark Lennihan / Pool via REUTERS)

The vaccination campaign began on December 14, 2020 in order to cover the first phase that includes all health personnel who are at constant risk of contagion. (Photo: Mark Lennihan / Pool via REUTERS) 

Forsyth County Health Department

Medicina familiar Hope en Forsyth

Gwinnett Health Departments

Newton Health Departments

Rockdale Health Department

In these early stages of vaccination, it is essential to make an appointment to be treated and receive the corresponding doses. (Photo: REUTERS / Benoit Tessier)

In these early stages of vaccination, it is essential to make an appointment to be treated and receive the corresponding doses. (Photo: REUTERS / Benoit Tessier) 

Paulding County Health Department

Upson Regional Medical Center

Other health centers that also offer this drug are Kennestone Family Medicine, Premier Family Medicine, Bainbridge Pharmacies, McCook, Bethelview y McRae. It is important that before going to the place the availability of the medicine is checked, for this the health authorities recommend contacting the distributors.

I agree with you Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plans to Fase 1C where will be attended people between 65 to 74 years of age, people with chronic diseases they have like minimum 16 years old In order to apply the vaccine, essential workers are also included, such as those who work in public transportation, financial services, housing construction, communications, public safety, and the rest of the public health sector. The CDC is in charge of advising the states to prioritize the most vulnerable groups and with a higher risk of contagion.

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