In a few days The sixth installment of Scream will be released in theaters, one of the most popular and successful horror sagas in the film industry. They had to pass ten years from the fourth to the fifth installment, released in theaters last year. The tape was a relaunch of the franchise, but it featured some of the most well-known characters from the films and most beloved by fans of ghost face. If you haven’t been able to see it yet, in this article we explain Where to watch Scream 5 before Scream 6 premieres.
Where to watch Scream 5 online?
- Prime Video Spain: If you are subscribed to Amazon Premier you have access to the streaming platform First videowhere you will find Cry 5 to see without making any additional payment.
- For rent: If you do not have First video but you want to enjoy the film, you will find it available for rent in Movistar Plus there AppleTV for 4.99 euros and in Youtube there Google Play Movies for 3.99 euros.
The movie is set 25 years after the original Woodsboro murders. a new one has appeared ghost face in the city and there are murders of teenagers and Sidney Prescott (neve campbell) will have to come back to find out the truth. David Arquette there Courtney Cox They also reprise their roles as Dewey Riley there gale weather respectively, so a good dose of nostalgia is guaranteed.
Where and when will Scream 6 be released?
- The sixth part of Shout will then come out March 10, 2023.
- Cry 6 will be widely shown in theaters, so a lot of presence of the film is expected in theaters.
On this occasion the plot moves from Woodsboro to New York. The four survivors of the last opus (Tara, Sam, Chad and Mindy) seek to put the Woodsboro massacre behind them. The story doesn’t just take place in New York, but it at the Halloween partywhich will make it difficult for our protagonists to recognize the murderer with people dressed as Ghostface.
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