The anime of “Vinland Saga“is back with an anime season 2 that I personally It hooks me more than the first, or at least I consider it has a better start. It’s quite interesting to see this “new Thorfinn” after meeting this hot-blooded kid/teenager from Season 1, quite a contrast to Einar, the other character who stepped up this time. But for the steps forward that of MAPwhat left us a totally original 6.5 ‘episode’.

You Can Now Watch Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 6.5

Before commenting on it, because the truth is that there are even lyrics by Makoto Yukimura about it (the author of “Vinland Saga”), I leave you the episode in question take a look:

And then I leave you with a translation of the words that Yukimura-sensei dedicated to the team behind the anime “Vinland Saga” after watching this episode, which features scenes not shown in the manga:

“I saw episode 6.5, the scene is spectacular! It was Thorfinn just before starting his life over. The scene shows how he’s trying to change from the inside, and there’s no dialogue, just images. It’s incredible. It looks like he’s no longer a kid turned complete savage. Who is he trying to become? He must reanalyze everything about himself. He has to face everything he avoided.

I always saw them, these mothers and daughters frightened by the flames of war, hidden in a corner of the house. It’s the family of the man he kills, whom he never meets. How could you understand all that I wanted to say!? Right now, how many people would be able to create such an intense scene just through animation? I can only say thank you. I want to thank everyone on the team for that.”

It is clear that this scene 6.5 of the anime “Vinland Saga” serves to feed even more this past that keeps coming for Thorfinn, and it wakes him up in the middle of the night with piercing screams that Einar couldn’t believe at first. Personally, I must say that I hated Thorfinn from the first season, that’s why it took me a while to start liking “Vinland Saga”, but of course, it’s worth seeing all the evolution of the protagonist.

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