After two months of living on the streets of downtown Miami, a family of exiled Nicaraguans has finally received help from the community and now have a comfortable and safe place to spend the next few days.
For those who had been desperate for several days, the chances of finding a job are now greater, after Evelyn Rivas, the manager of the Guacalito restaurant, helped them and took them to a hotel where they will spend the next week and take three meals. A day.
Evelyn Rivas says that when they heard the news of the helpless family, the staff at the Guacalito restaurant immediately set out to help them. “The whole administration contacted them and we rented them a hotel for a week.”
A Good Samaritan of Cuban descent but with ties to Nicaragua also offered to have this family in her home for a month so they could begin to rebuild their lives.
Adilia del Rosario says that this time on the streets “was really difficult, it was a terrible experience”.
The Nicaraguan family say they have been through unimaginable times. “We don’t want to be like that anymore, it’s hard, some days we swim some days we don’t, we’re there and some crazy guy came out who owned the park and we didn’t want to come back, we’re still there every day. three,” says Adilia.
They had been wandering downtown Miami for two months looking for shelter, work and a plate of food amid changing weather conditions.
Richard Chamorro explains that since their arrival in South Florida, they “slept in the Government Center on the street”.
“It’s very difficult there are people who leave us food. The cold, the sun, the rain poured down, it is very sad and difficult. Yesterday it was still very cold, with cardboard we took shelter, says Adilia.
“I tried to scream because I don’t want to be like that, I don’t want my family to be like that,” Chamorro said in an interview they gave on Wednesday, just before community members don’t start coming to help them. .
In the midst of the dark days they lived through, they also claim to have known the love and mercy of many people, such as Martín Navarro, a homeless man who supported them. “Even though I’m still on the street, let them off the street, because they are very humble and good,” Navarro confessed.
“He brings us food, sodas, something he brings us every time he comes,” Adilia says.
Katrina Croveto, the teenager who lived on the streets with her parents, recalls those times being “a bit sad, I can’t say terrible, but sad, because I was never on the streets, I had always had a roof over your head and slept in a bed.”
Even though the hours passed slowly, faith and hope in a better future were still in force for this humble family who already today begins to see a ray of light on a road that seemed dark.
“We had a lot of faith, every day we pray and give thanks for the good and the bad we have been through,” they say.