Since last January, Mitele has recovered Soloshis reality show about coexistence in a slightlyin which the protagonists can only lean on each other as they have no other company.
From the experience came couples like that of Beatriz Retamal and Dani Garcia that they met on the inside and continued their relationship.
But all the bet is looking for is not for the spark of love to arise (although most of the time yes), but rather that it also wants to see the world burn by sometimes making declared enemies cohabit. . This is the case of the last couple they bet on: Cristina Porta and Miguel Frigenti.
Both have a similar profile: they dreamed of working in television, and their great opportunity was the signing by Secret History in 2021. There they met and became close friends.
But when Frigenti left and was taken over, everything changed for both of them, going from love to hate within days. Thus, their enmity lasted until today, when they entered Solos’ small apartment to test each other and find out if they really love or hate each other.