Son of the Forest is a video game that is all the rage among PC users thanks to its Early Access. Endnight Games originally planned to release the final version earlier this year, but ultimately decided to postpone their plans in favor of a much more robust survival experience. And it seems that they made a great decision, since the work sold over 2 million copies in a single day.
Scan the map for useful objects with which to stay safe is one of the main pillars of Sons of the Forest. Scenarios hide all sorts of tools that are essential for survival, and one of the most basic is the flash light. Where can you find one? I’ll tell you right away.
How to get the lantern in Sons of the Forest
- When you reach the point shown on the map in the image above, you will see a corpse suspended from a high point
- What to do next is climb to the top and follow the beeps until you find the rock surrounded by a rope
- well now you have to cut the rope hanging up this poor man’s body to fall to the ground
- By doing this and record the area where the body fell you will find a lantern on the ground
- This this is the easiest way to find a flashlightHowever, you should know that there are two more that are hidden in other places on the map (one of them inside a cave)

¿Saldra Sons of the Forest on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S?
Endnight Games has confirmed that Sons of the Forest is developed for PC only, but that might change sooner rather than later.. The Forest, their previous game, came to be released on PS4 with a port that received good reviews, so when you add to that the fact that its sequel is selling units like hot cakes, it’s very likely that they will end up with versions for consoles.