Capcom’s New Video Game That Saves a Survival Horror Classic Shows Its “Softer” Face in This Anime
March 24, 2023 is the day chosen by Capcom for something that many have been waiting for a long time: the launch of Resident Evil 4 Remake. This video game (that I was able to analyze) is the most special recovery one could hope for from one of the great survival horror classics of… the entire history of video games. But, And if I told you that in addition Capcom released a “Heidi” anime to commemorate the moment?
Resident Evil 4 Remake anime is the most unexpected thing you’ll find today
I’m not lying to you, the company uploaded it to his official Youtube channel and then you can take a look (Spoiler: It’s not lost):
Some things I want to comment about the Resident Evil 4 Remake anime:
- In fact, it is a short minute and there seems to be no intention of doing anything else.
- Judging by the chapter’s official title, which refers to “Leon and the Mysterious Village” EP 1′, it’s assuming that Capcom is really preparing several episodes of the anime in question.
- Obviously, the Resident Evil 4 Remake anime is nothing more than a cute parody of things that happen to Leon his job to protect Ashley.
- What makes this anime very special is that was clearly inspired by a classic like Heidi for its aesthetic. That is to say, in a single maneuver of product from Capcom, they call upon two gigantic classics, each in their field.
Sincerely, Whoever came up with the idea for this anime strikes me as a genius who should never have their genius card taken away. Obviously, when it comes to such brief promotional material aimed at a particular audience, it may not be a “magical” marketing strategy, but in the same way, it seems to me that few proposals more original than these could arise with the launch of Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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