The manga Pluto, published from 2003 to 2009, is a reinterpretation of Osamu Tezuka’s classic Astro Boy.

Pluto“It’s a manga that he created at the time Naoki Urasawa (with Takashi Nagasaki, like so many of his manga), author well known for creating such excellent stories as “Monster” or “20th Century Boys”. Also, years ago there were rumors that this manga in question would have its own anime adaptation. NOW, It seems that we are very close to the official announcement, and everything indicates that it will be netflix the service welcoming the first.

Pluto Anime Aims To Create This Same 2023

Before moving on to the details of the announcement, I leave you with the image that was leaked in the first place of the project, which represents the first promotional poster of the anime “Pluto”:

This image has been circulating for 6 years, will it remain faithful to the final product?

And now let’s go into a bit more detail about what is “Pluto” and what do we know about the anime’s (in theory) imminent announcementnote the following (via ANN):

  • Pluto anime has been seen Officially listed on the official Shogakukan website. It’s already arrived 6 years ago, during the 2017 Annecy festival exactly the same thing happened. However, at the time, there was no announcement of the anime.
  • Why does this ad seem real now? Well, because in addition to the Shogakukan list, according to the account of @egg0 is leaking have confirmed that the Pluto anime is totally real.
  • Other things that have been anticipated by the insider are, first of all, that the anime will air through netflixand second that the first will take place this same 2023. Likewise, the insider adds that Pluto’s First Animated Trailer Should Be Unveiled Soon.
  • But what exactly is Pluto? Next: it is a reinterpretation of the classic Astro Boy story by Osamu Tezuka, but this time the story revolves around murder and mystery. Osamu’s son Tezuka and Tekuza Productions oversaw and cooperated on the manga’s production, so it’s no surprise that it won multiple awards, racking up a total of 8.5 million copies sold.

Out of nowhere we can now find one of the great anime coming out in 2023. While an official announcement is still missing, for now only disaster would prevent the “Pluto” anime from becoming a reality. The truth, given the success of the manga and the works that the author has behind him, it is clear that it will be a production that will be worth following.

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