The gala 2 of Tu cara sounds like 10 for me is already over and the general classification has turned upside down: after the start of the program has been Andrea Guasch the candidate who surprised the most with her interpretation of Chanel and his Slow motion, 7 days later we have another winner. How did the 9 contestants of the most-watched musical talent on TV go?
How did Tu cara me suena 10 Gala 2 perform?
- Susie Caramel- velasco shell.
- Josie- Alaska.
- Alfred Garcia – Pau Donés (Jarabe de Palo).
- Andrea Guasch – Taylor Swift.
- Jade- Axl Rose (Guns N’ Roses).
- Augustin Jimenez – Island prawns.
- Myriam Rodriguez- Nil Moliner (Original and copy).
- merchandising- Natti Natasha with Ricardo Nkosi as Ozuna (Bring A Friend).
- Anne Igartiburu – Suzanne Vega.
That’s to say, Myriam had to do Nile Miller with the singer on set, while Merche performed Natti Natasha with his friend Ricardo Nkosias Ozuna.
Who won the Gala 2 of Your face rings 10 for me?
Jadel was the first of a gala in which she deserved to win, and with the note. For this reason, after converting the points received into points for the classification, each competitor obtained:
- Jade: 24 dots.
- Miriam Rodriguez: 22 dots.
- merchandise: 20 dots.
- Alfred Garcia: 18 dots.
- Josie: 15 dots.
- Andrea Guasch: 14 dots.
- Mother Igartibutu: 13 dots.
- Augustin Jimenez: 10 dots.
- Suzie Caramel: 8 dots.
Competitor ranking after Tu cara gala 2 sounds like 10 to me
the victory of Jade caused the general classification of Your face looks familiar to me be quite different from last week. This way, this is how the scoreboard looks after the second gala:
- Jade: 46 dots.
- Miriam Rodriguez: 41 points.
- Andrea Guasch: 38 dots.
- merchandise: 38 dots.
- Alfred Garcia: 34 dots.
- Josie: 27 points.
- Anne Igartiburu: 26 dots.
- Suzie Caramel: 20 dots.
- Augustin Jimenez: 18 dots.
In this way, Andrea Guasch is no longer the leader of the tablewhile Jadel does it from now on, until someone brings it down from the top. The good work of Miriam, who without winning either of the two galas, is in first position.

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