It looks like Meghan Trainor has taken the plunge and gone into more detail than necessary about her relationship with actor Daryl Sabara. The singer participated in the podcast work on ithosted by Trisha Paytas and like it was a friend chat she gave the boneless without any type of filter.
During the recording, the interpreter of Made you look confessed that sex with her husband is “painful” and that after having him “I can’t walk”.
“There comes a time when I ask him, ‘Is he there?’ and he answers me: ‘only the tip’ and I can’t bear it. I don’t know how to solve this problem”, he explained during his speech.
This comprehensive explanation was seen by podcast listeners – as well as news-affected internet users – as unnecessary. Some called the story “disgusting”, while others were puzzled: “What are we supposed to do with this information?”
Likewise, some accounts joked about one of the most popular roles he played. Daryl Sabara. And it is that he was one of the protagonists of Spy Kidz. “Ma’am, you’re talking about Juni Cortez. Stop,” the message read.
Apart from this, The artist revealed that she suffered from vaginismus, a condition that consists of spasms of the muscles that surround the vagina, involuntarily. The spasms make the vagina very tight and can prevent sexual activity and medical tests. This, added to the size of her husband’s penis, makes intercourse particularly uncomfortable for her.
Meghan Trainor pregnant for the second time
The marriage formed by Meghan and Daryl is expecting its second offspring, who is to be born this summer. The young woman shares the progress of her pregnancy almost week after week, posting photos and videos online with her little Riley (2 years old), her husband and her friends.
From the first ultrasound and the first little kicks, we can see how much the belly of the singer is growing more and more thanks to her social networks. A real treat for the family who is about to add a new little brother (or little sister) to the clan!
It is clear that times are changing and that topics of conversation that seemed reserved for the purely private sphere are becoming public affairs. Despite this, there are those who consider that sex, in this case dealing with a very personal aspect of marriage, must be treated in the purest intimacy. And you do you think?