“Kimetsu no Yaiba“has become a phenomenon that garners hype virtually impossible to match today in the anime industry. Every time the bells start ringing for new content, everyone in the community loses their minds, and the premiere of “Kimetsu no Yaiba: direction the village of blacksmiths” in Spain, this was further proof of this. Indeed, With the film debuting on March 2 in theaters across our country, it has become the most-watched of them all..
The debut of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rumbo a la Aldea de los Herreros in Spain is given in style
So I leave you with ComscoreMoviesSpain’s tweet so you can see that “Kimetsu no Yaiba: On the way to the blacksmith village” has increased as the most watched billboard in Spain on March 2, 2023:
- I must say that on the one hand, I am very happy that this is the result from the beginning of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Heading to the Blacksmith Villagebut otherwise not so much.
- Positivelysee anime take the top spot at the domestic box office with a feature as singular as this sends a sensational message about our interest in Spain.
- negativelythe reception may have been much more than it deserved a product made with the law of least effort, or at least that’s the clear feeling that I myself have seen in the cinema.
- In any case, this should do looking to the future, the hypothetical box office releases of Kimetsu no Yaiba would be more than guaranteed for our country.
I also want to remind you that Crunchyroll announced at the time that, At least “Kimetsu no Yaiba: On the Way to the Blacksmith Village” would be in Spanish theaters for an entire week.. Come on, if now your curiosity has piqued you and you still haven’t been able to go to the cinema, you should still have plenty of time. And if not, remember that On April 9, 2023, the anime’s third season of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” will finally air.