The story of House of Gucci is based on a real murder that happened within the family dedicated to the fashion business. It is about the crime commissioned by Maurizio Gucci, the youngest of the clan, killed by a hitman hired by his wife, Patrizia Reggiani.

Taking as a starting point for the script the book of Sara Gay Forden called The House of Gucci: A sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour and Greed, the film will go through all the processes prior to the murder of Maurizio, played by Adam Driver, that Patrizia planned, in the skin of the singer and actress Lady Gaga.

The premiere is scheduled for next November 24 and several images and previews of what will be could already be seen House of Gucci. The news of the premiere of this story did not go down very well within the Gucci family.

Even Patrizia spoke angrily about the issue in an interview with the Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA). Said to be very “disappointed and upset” that Lady Gaga had not communicated with her. “It is not a question of money, because I am not going to get a penny for the film, it is common sense,” she clarified furiously.

On the Gucci side, the one who spoke in an Associated Press interview was Patricia, Maurizio’s second cousin.

“They are stealing the identity of an entire family to make money, just to feed the Hollywood system”, Shooting. “Like any family, we have an identity and privacy. We can talk about anything, but there are limits that simply cannot be crossed,” she added.

To all the Gucci, they would not have liked the characterizations of Al Pacino and Jared Leto. More than anything that of Leto, who is shown as an obese man in his role as Paolo Gucci, and the family assures that that single detail is no longer true. So far they have not taken legal action because they wait for the film to be released.

But beyond all controversy, the cast chosen for House of Gucci is super attractive. We present who is who in this story of crime, fashion, glamor and betrayal.

Lady Gaga and Patrizia Reggiani

The American actress and singer managed to position herself within Hollywood as one of the most talented women, more than anything after her starring role in A Star is born. That’s why she landed the role about this woman who planned to hire a hit man to kill her husband, Maurizio Gucci.

In the jet set of the time Patrizia was known as “Lady Gucci”, a name that gave her an air of distinction and glamor that she fell in love with. Her role was initially going to be played by Angelina Jolie, who dropped out of the project.

Along the way, Penelope Cruz and Margot Robbie were also discarded. The true story goes that Patrizia served time for the murder and came out for good behavior in 2016.

Lady Gaga as Patrizia Reggiani, the mastermind behind the murder of her husband Maurizio Gucci.

Lady Gaga as Patrizia Reggiani, the mastermind behind the murder of her husband Maurizio Gucci.

Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci

He plays the youngest son of the Gucci, the one in charge of running the company until the moment of his murder during a shooting. The conflict with his wife breaks out when Maurizio is unfaithful to him with a younger woman and decides to abandon her and the two daughters they had in common. The resemblance between Driver and Maurizio is striking.

Adama Driver plays Maurizio Gucci in the film House of Gucci who was murdered.

Adama Driver plays Maurizio Gucci in the film House of Gucci who was murdered.

Jeremy Irons as Rodolfo Gucci

The pater families. British actor, star of The mission and My secret is my conviction, puts himself in the shoes of Maurizio’s father, Rodolfo Gucci. It was he who never saw Patrizia favorably and opposed the relationship with his son.

His death in 1983 caused a great change in Maurizio that led him, in the words of his wife, “to act as if he did not care about anything or anyone.”

Jeremy Irons as Rodolfo Gucci

Al Pacino and Aldo Gucci

The eldest of Guccio Gucci’s sons (founder of the brand) was the one who achieved the greatest expansion of the firm internationally, beyond the borders of Italy. Even the former president John F. Kennedy defined him as the first ambassador of Italian fashion in the United States.

Aldo Gucci began, after the death of his brother Rodolfo, a campaign against Maurizio in which he continually discredited him for his little experience in the family business. A spectacular role for Pacino.

The Godfather actor Al Pacino plays Aldo Gucci

Jared Leto as Paolo Gucci

He is perhaps the actor who was most physically transformed for this story. His baldness, overweight and makeup that adds many years to play the vice president of the firm, made him one of the key figures in history. Paolo had an express rivalry with his cousin Maurizio and also with his own father, Aldo (Pacino).

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Jared Leto unrecognizable in the film House of Gucci

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