There are many, many quests inside Hogwarts Legacy, highlighting those in the main story; being one of such type the one in which I will concentrate here. Specifically, in which it receives the name The Test of Charles Rookwood. It’s a fairly long and complex mission, so I’m going to start without going around the subject any further.
Guide to complete The Test of Charles Rookwood of Hogwarts Legacy Main Mission
Talk to Fig to activate the mission and follow him along the way to the fortress, killing any enemies you encounter along the way. Upon reaching the second Goblin Camp (where you are shown a cutscene carrying a crossbow), you will see a ledge that is too high to climb. near the construction site you will find a box to place next to it with Wingardium Leviosa in order to access it.
After watching a long cutscene, you’ll have to hit quite a few people. The fight will be long and difficult, but you will have to carry lots of revitalizing herbal potions, dodge attacks, counterattack when necessary and finish off enemies. When the fight is over you will have to access the big tower where Fig is waiting for you by climbing the stairs and going down the hole you will find there. There you will find a door that opens when you hit three spheres that will be in the area with a basic attack. You have to do it fast enough for the door to open.
- the first sphere it’s next to the door, on the right 1️⃣
- the second sphere It’s on the left, behind a board that you have to break 2️⃣
- the third sphere It’s inside a tunnel that you’ll find to the right of the first 3️⃣

Enter the cave and go through it where the game tells you to until you find a painting of Charles Rookwood to talk to him. After the conversation, you will have to search with him for a source of ancient magic. Activating it will open the door to the Guardians’ second trial.

Go a little further in the dungeon and you will come to what is the first riddle of the game. Taking into account that it will be a bit complicated to explain how it is solved with words, The best I can do is leave you a video showing how I completed it back then:
Keep progressing through the dungeon until you come across another source of ancient magic that you will need to activate. This time the puzzle is easier to solve, but I still leave you a video below:
After crossing the bridge to move forward, you’ll have to fight a good handful of statues. Once you’re done with them, continue across the bridge to your right. towards him, you guessed it if you think about it, the third puzzle of the test. The good thing is that there is nothing mysterious about this one: activate the portal with ancient magic, hit the orb that spins the arc once, cross its red spectrum and continue along the path which will be opened before you. Now you will find another puzzle and this time I leave you with a video explaining how to solve it:
Continue through the dungeon to an area where you’ll have another intense fight against some statues. When you’re done, head left instead of following the main path. There you will find a chest that you can open if you shoot the orb and, while the bow is spinning, you shoot it when it is boxed using Accio. The chest will have fallen to the ground and you can now open it.

Continue along the main path and reach a small arena where you will have another long fight that will end with another final boss: the Pensieve Watcher. Destroy it and continue where the game tells you to see a detailed story cutscene when looking through the Pensieve. After that, you will return to the map room to talk to the guardians and you will have completed the quest.

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