A few days before Groundhog Day, we tell you what this special betrayal is about, its origins, where it is celebrated, as well as the mascots of each locality.
Groundhog Day is a famous celebration in the city of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (United States), in which the whole community prepares for a year to celebrate this international holiday with food and music.

During this day, all eyes are on the burrow of Phill, the rodent that will determine the date of the beginning of spring.

Although the celebration in Punxsutawney in the United States is the most famous, it is not unique, since Groundhog Day crosses borders and is also commemorated in Canada, with a mascot and other different aspects.
Among the famous rodents that predict the date each season are: Groundhog Phill, Buckeye Chuck in Ohio, General Beauregard Lee in Georgia, Staten Island Chuck in New York, Wiarton Willie in Canada and Shubenacadie Samv in Nova Scotia.


Groundhog Day has roots in Christian tradition and German folklore. According to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Day Club, it was adopted in Europe in the belief that the weather on the Feast of Candlemas (February 2) was indicative of the end of winter or its continuation.

But it was in Germany that the idea of the animal weatherman was established: a porcupine was used, and if it came out of hibernation and stayed awake, it meant that winter was ending. But if it ‘saw its shadow’ and went back to sleep, the locals were preparing for another six weeks of bad weather.
When the holiday came to the United States, it underwent a modification, as there are no native porcupines in North America, so a groundhog took the lead role on this day.

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