“There is a 100% chance that all species will become extinct due to the expansion of the Sun, unless humanity transitions to multi-planetary life,” Elon Musk wrote on Twitter.
While days later he wrote another tweet in the same tone, but this time talking about the population decline in the United States and the world.
“We should be much more concerned about population collapse, ” he said.
More than 260 thousand extinct species
The cause of Musk’s concern about the extinction of humanity is due to the fact that the estimates made in the study suggest that some 260,000 species may have been lost since the year 1500.
The authors claim that accepting extinction without reacting is an omission of humanity’s responsibility.
In addition to the fact that the rush to get humanity off the planet could even end up accelerating extinction, some voices say, despite this, Musk continues to explore space through his satellites.
Nor does it rule out the possibility of making manned and unmanned trips to other planets, first as space tourism but now it could also be to prevent the extinction of the human race.