A large part of the fans of The last of us we are because of the quality of the original video game. If we enter value The Last of Us: Part Two, there are already more differences of opinion, especially due to an open structure that does not suit him so well at certain points in the story. However, I have to talk about the series of HBO Max and its episode 7, titled Left over. But I couldn’t resist mentioning the original game because, after all, the name of this chapter is a direct homage to its DLC.

In effect, Left over It came as an extension of the story of The last of us delve into Ellie’s past. as for Neil Druckman he would have forgotten to do it during the adventure of PlayStation 4 and called back at the last moment. The result was magnificent: two or three hours devoted to Elijahthe protagonist of what will be later The Last of Us: Part Two, and a very complex analysis of his personality and his adolescence. And the series adaptation is even better: thrilling, essential for Ellie’s growth as a character, and a stage on the road with two chapters to go through.

The Last of Us explores Ellie and Riley’s past

As in previous episodes, forget to advance the main plot, which worried many given the suspense of Chapter 6. Likewise, I think this is the best time to incorporate the content of Left Behind: Ellie he’s about to lose his only support, so remembering who he was and who he is now is a brutal narrative exercise.

Without going into spoilers, the episode focuses on Elijah and in his time as a student of FEDRA. Just as she is in the present, she is a young woman who does not fit in and often isolates herself. However, her best friend helps her to continue with the will to live: his name is Riley and he offers to spend the best night of his life. In these hours that they share together, Ellie begins to learn about the Firefliesbut of course she is still influenced by the power of FEDRAhe therefore does not trust this group of rebels who want to put an end to tyranny.

Storm Reid is the best Riley there is

Now the most important thing about this episode 7 of The last of us is the relationship between Elijah there Rileytwo young people who end up being more than friends. This scene in which they both take a step in their relationship seems like the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on TV, with many references to The Last of Us: Left Behind in terms of staging. And as is customary in the series of HBO Maxthe last minutes of the chapter are about grabbing tissues and not stopping crying.

the last of us chapter 7
Chapter 7 of The Last of Us is essential to meet ELlie

Who was Ellie and who is she now?

In short, the seventh episode of The last of us is a psychological analysis of Elijah: who you were during your time as a student in a FEDRA center and who you are now. Like Joel, she too experienced a turning point with the loss of the person she loved the most. and the viewer who has not played video games already knows that this is what unites the two protagonists.

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