Chainsaw Man“It is one of the flagship works of the manga and anime industry today, although it is true that in this last area there is still a lot to adapt compared to the paper format. Personally, the announcement of its season 2 is something that I look forward to more than many other potential announcements, and I believe that I am not alone on this hill, after all, I have a reason for it by the fact that you can easily find TOP cosplays like the one i bring from Makima.

Is this the best Makima cosplay you’ll see?

So I leave you with the work he presented not so long ago hanelliand who captures a Flee as you will rarely see at the cosplay level:

Honestly, the how of cosplay looks spectacular to me. Makima’s appearance is generally nailed, but he ‘setting‘ of each of the photographs has a huge work that elevates each of the gallery images. If I have to stick with one in particular, I think I will with the third, because I think it represents that control over everything wielded by one of the most enigmatic characters in the “Chainsaw Man” anime.

To all this, coming back a little on the theme of the second season of the “Chainsaw Man” anime, I remember that recently, the first details were given on a special event which could perfectly resume this same announcement. In case you want to know everything you need to consider for this upcoming month of May, here is an article in which I have collected everything:

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