Ariana Grande He reappeared on social media to send a clear, direct and concise message in response to comments he recently received about his physical appearance.
The artist decided to record a TikTok hello before heading to the set of Bad —the musical in which he stars and which opens in 2024—to speak for the first time about a subject he had never spoken about, and thus joining the conversation that has been debated for a decade: “Hello everyone. I made myself a coffee, I’m going to work soon, but I wanted to come here to… -I don’t usually do this, I’m not good at it and I don’t like – for address your concerns about my body and talk a bit about what it means to be a person with a body, to be seen, and to be a public figure given special attention,” his speech began.
Immediately afterwards, the interpreter of 7 rings stated emphatically that “We should be nicer and less comfortable commenting on other people’s bodies… No matter what.” “You might think you’re saying something nice, or mean, whatever… Healthy, unhealthy, big, small, this, that, sexy, not sexy… But no. We should. And rather, try not to overdo it.”
The body you compared to was also my current body, the least healthy version of them all.
“There are other ways to compliment someone or ignore something you see and don’t like. For this reason, I believe that we must help each other to become safer spaces for all. And I also wanted to say: first of all, that there are many kinds of beauty and being healthy and beautiful,” he reflected on how society rewards and associates thinness with a symptom of good health.
“I was at the lowest point of my life”
In the same way, he takes the opportunity to deepen his particular case: “Personally, the body you compared my current body to was the least healthy version of them all. I took lots of antidepressants, drank alcohol with my meds, ate terrible… and was at my lowest point in life with the physical appearance you consider my ‘healthy’ appearance. ‘ and which, truth be told, It wasn’t”.
He also expressed that “I shouldn’t have to explain it but I feel like I had to open up and show some vulnerability… I don’t know. But this is the first: Health can manifest differently in everyone. The second thing I want to say is that You never know what someone might go through. so even if you come from a place of love and care, it is enough that this person is already working there or has the support system to work with to improve their situation. you never know if Be kind to each other and to yourselves.”
“And the third thing I want to do is spread some love and tell yourself you’re precious no matter what kind of face you have. And by the way, I’m not wearing false eyelashes or eyeliner right now. This is my face and my eyes, please don’t be afraid, for God’s sake! But that, I send you lots of love and tell you that you look beautiful no matter what you’re going through, or how you wear your makeup these days, or what cosmetic procedures you’ve had or haven’t had, or whatever. Yes, I think you are beautiful and I wanted to share that with you. Good day”, concluded this video, which already has more than eight million likes and nearly 50 million views.
A very timely message with which his fans were in complete agreement and thanked him enormously. Plus, they joined in the loving replies and returned the compliment, “You’re perfect and we love you.”